Nokia, Showcase N900 in Indonesia

Nokia mobile phone, N900 finally officially introduced in Indonesia. Like what the handset's performance reinforced the Maemo Linux operating system?

Located at the Tea Addict Cafee Jakarta, Friday (16/04/2010), Nokia held a program titled "Briefing Nokia N900". On occasion in performing Legi Soegianto, Operative Product Marketing Manager Nokia Indonesia, introducing the 'Maemo'.

To detikINET, Legi explained that the N900 has a large enough RAM memory. "Total RAM is 1GB. It consists of 128MB of RAM and virtual memory rest," he explained.

When I first tried it, a large keypad which is owned by the N900 feels as great as the N97. As a result when used for typing, the same tenderness and keypad. difference, the N900 does not have a keypad pause between keys.

For the design of displays, display desktop N900 feels relieved by a slide of four tabs. The first time you turn it on, detikINET immediately intrigued by his performance carried browser. Unfortunately, the Firefox browser must be downloaded manually first.

Well, by default Nokia browser, users will feel a sensation like browsing on a PC. Even when detikINET tried to open Youtube with the help of a WiFi connection, the results of this gadget was running smoothly.

Intrigued by this detikINET tried doing a direct download from one of the portals are quite famous. And it was working smoothly. Fun is not it?

Unfortunately, the time available is very limited. So the weakness is not known what cell phone would dibanderol approximately USD 6 million of this. Wait a full review just in detikINET.[detikINET


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