Japanese electronics industry was declining in recent years, accelerated by the presence of such a device Apple iPad, Amazon Kindle and Kizio.
Meanwhile, Japanese electronics firms have been defeated by South Korean conglomerate Samsung Electronics. Constrained financial conditions are weakening and are reluctant to take risks, companies in Japan's defeat in innovation.
Japan is known as flat-screen television industry players, digital cameras and video game systems, but they do not have personal computers extraordinary.
On the first day iPad launch in Japan, the queue at one of the official Apple store reaches over one kilometer further.
Buyers in Japan is very unique, because they are really concerned and usability features from the outside to the inside of a gadget, even though the thick instruction book to read, according to analysts.
"Consumers in Japan are very different patterns of thought with its global customers," said Atul Goyal, an analyst at CLSA.
"IPad is very unique and detailed from hardware to software, in addition to its use so it is very popular in Japan". [Ito]
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