iMessage in iOS 8, a better way to message.
Apple’s Messages app has been solid, but it is well overdue for the update it's about to get, and it should make it more competitive with the other popular texting apps like Snapchat and WhatsApp. There are many great new features coming in the new Messenger, you’ll be able to create voice and video snippets to post along with your text and photos. You'll also be able to share your location for a set period, for instance an hour, through the end of the day, or indefinitely. And, with a tap, you can view all the attachments in a conversation—all the photos and videos—without having to scroll through text to find them. Today's blog is only covering the new voice recording feature.
In the screen capture above, you'll notice the microphone just above the word "I'm" (That's the predictive keyboard at work, predicting what I'll type!). Now take a look at the screen capture below.
When you press the microphone icon, a 3 quarter circle appears with an X (left), an Arrow (Top) and a circle with a red square inside (middle). The X cancels the recorded message. The Arrow pushes the voice message into the body of the message (see below). The red square stops the recording.
So, if you need to be discreet, and don't want to type out a message, the voice recording is a fantastic way to go.
Look for my next iOS 8 update towards the end of the week, it will be covering the new iCloud drive!
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